Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Moving on up!

So, we were recently excited to hear that Chicago has decided to esteem us by renaming the Sears Tower the Willis Tower. What an honor!

And other even more exciting news! We received 2 offers on our house this past Monday. After waiting almost a year and not getting any offers! After countless showing and open houses, I feel so much freedom in knowing that I can leave the house and it doesn't have to be spotless and ready to show! Both offers were honestly better than what I was fearing! Yes, we had dropped the price a couple of times already and had accepted the fact that we would not be getting back all of the money we had put into the house to fix it up. We are still very pleased with how it is panning out! Wahoo! This leaves us in a bit of a whirlwind though. We close the last day of March and the buyers want ownership 7 days after close! That's less than 3 weeks away from when I'm writing this! Yikes!
And no, we don't have a house picked out! It was torturous to look at houses and get excitied about them, but not be able to put an offer down becuase we didn't know how long it would take our house to sell - so we just didn't really look much!
One option which will hopefully work out - our church has a mission house that is unoccupied right now that we may be able to move into temporarily until we can get into something permenantly. That option is still waiting final approval, but we hope that works out so that we don't have to get all stressed out and settle for something just to get in somewhere.
Anyways! Pray that all plans continue to go well until the dotted line is officially signed!