Our local fitness center was offering free 2-week trial memberships if you signed up before the end of February. We slipped in on Sunday and got signed up! It's not even 2 miles from our house. We would enjoy having real memberships to a place like this, but don't feel the need to make it a part of our monthly budget. We invested in a nice treadmill a few years ago and Adam has a Bowflex that he traded for his carpentry skills. Plus, the local libary offers a ton of workout videos that I like to do. We just thought it would be fun to do while we had the chance. They even offer childcare during parts of the day/evening! Tonight we are going to do a Spinning class together.
I've always enjoyed working out as time allows (define "working out" as you like...but I enjoy being active, doing exercises, weights, etc.). Adam enjoys "playing" something rather than working out, but for 2 weeks he plans to "work out". He said his goal is to be sore for this whole 2 weeks. Such a guy. I just plan to get back into some sort of fitness level. I haven't been working out regularly since having Tate as I feel like it affects my nursing "supply.". My weight slid off quite easily and is down in digits that I haven't seen since high school so I haven't felt a need to try pushing it much (Don't hate me.....I'm just sharing with you my current situation...don't worry, things definately don't feel like they used to and are distributed differently than what I remember). Anyways. Let's see if 2 weeks of working out (probably nearly every day) will make much of a difference.