I think Adam has a couple of before pics on his computer, but he's not home. And I'm choosing to update the blog instead of working out. So.....here's the "after" pictures. Lots of sanding and patching had to be done. We painted the trim. We tore up all of the bright green carpet that was on the stairs and in the hallway. We decided to leave the edge of the stairway showing and stained the edge of the stairs, while painting the spindles black. We stripped and re-stained the railings. Adam used leftover wood flooring to go in place of the tile that was in the entryway. We picked up that mirror at a rummage sale over the weekend. Paid $5 for it. Took off the glittery vinyl snowflake stickers on the mirror. And then sanded the frame and painted it black. The hallway isn't very exciting, but it's nice, new, and clean feeling.