Two years ago today, Tate officially came into our lives and was born into this world. We were supposed to be having a pool party but had to cancel since we were kinda in the middle of having a baby. I remember feeling much, much more laid back with labor for our 2nd child. Maybe a little too laid back. By the time we got to the hospital and checked in I was already dilated past an 8! Whoa, I didn't think I was that far along! Epidural, please, NOW! He came a week early, but thankfully, he didn't bake any longer in the oven since he was born at 10lbs. 8oz!
Fast forward two years and we have this wonderful healthy boy to be so thankful for! According to his 2 year old check-up, he's a bit above average in weight, but still in the 90th percentile for heighth! He could be a tall boy! He's only a couple of inches behind Landon.
He has a personality all his own. Sometimes he is very comical and very noisy and other times, he's shy and not wanting to interact with others. He still likes to cuddle and hug. He sleeps with a blanket put over his head and with a donkey and a duck. He seems to be much more dramatic than Landon ever was. He will still throw fits and try to get his way. He also seems to find his way into things he's not supposed to. Leave him alone for too long and he'll dump things out, take things off shelves, color on the wall, eat something, etc. He's a momma's boy, but he's also not afraid to jump ship and just make a run for it and disappear! Oh, we love this little guy!