Tuesday, September 05, 2017

2017 Willis Family Summer Bucket List

Even though school started a few weeks ago, I don't consider summer to be over until after Labor Day. Maybe its my years of living as a Michigander that rubbed off on me.

After taking last summer off from a bucket list since we primarily focused on moving, swimming in our pool every last second we could, saying goodbye, and making new friends.....well, we decided to re-institute the Willis Family Summer Bucket List this summer.

Good goal lists shouldn't be so attainable that everything happens, right? Then we'd be setting the bar too low. So, there are a few we didn't get to. There's always next year.

So, without further ado, here's our summer bucket list and our results:

The 2017 Willis Family Summer Bucket List

Go to a South Bend Cubs Game
The rest of the family went also, but they were not wearing Cubs attire, so they were not invited into the picture.

Have a Sleepover
Not much to explain. We had a friend spend the night. Haven't really done that before. 

Decorate Sidewalks at a Park and put encouraging messages on them
Didn't get this one done. Sounds lovely. But just didn't happen......yet.

Pay for the car behind us in the Drive-Thru
Went through the McD's drive thru. The car behind us gave us a nice honk of appreciation. The boys ask to do it all the time now.

Stay up until Midnight
Not really sure why they like to do this so much. But we did it.

Go to the Indy Children’s Museum
Almost tried to frantically get this in last weekend, but decided not to. I'm not a bucket list Nazi.

Visit 10 Different Parks
Yep, 10 of them.

Walk/Ride the Riverwalk 10 times (not in a row)

I think we only walked this once. The rest were on our bikes.

Bike a 12+ Mile Trip
We actually fit a couple of these in.

Paint Rocks
I'll let you try to figure out whose is whose. There's some trends these days of painting rocks and planting them around for others to find. We just decorated our landscape and fire ring with them though.

Watch a Movie Outdoors
We watched Lego Batman in our backyard with over 50 other people. 

Try Something NEW
I was thinking we'd try a new ethnic food or something, but we decided to cross this off the list when all 3 of the boys went tubing for the first time behind a boat. 

Go to SkyZone
Trampoline Park. The boys thought it was fun. I thought it was pricey (and of course, we went while they were running a promotion so as to not pay full price).
Go on a Boat Ride
We've all been on boats before, but only once this summer. Adam gave some wakeboard instruction a few times to a young boy in our church and they invited us all to enjoy the boat with them one afternoon.

Volunteer @ Food Pantry
Didn't squeeze this in yet. Our church has a food pantry. Volunteering with young kids can be hard as I've found in the past as well. Its hard to know how to provide opportunities for kids. And I didn't inquire about it until August. 

Have the Neighbors over
Maybe not a big deal to most people, but we've lived here a year and had yet to be able to make any sort of significant contact with neighbors. We've baked cookies and delivered them without much of a response or desire to interact with us. And for this list, we specifically were targeting our next door neighbors who seem to be the only other house with kids on the street. With a very last-minute-knock-on-the-door invitation to come over for pizza, they agreed! The wife was gone, but the dad with four kids was super eager to not have to feed them dinner himself. We'll take it. And hopefully build on it.

And that concludes the 2017 Willis Family Summer Bucket List Re-cap.