They have always been a very special couple to me. When I was 15, they moved next to my parent's house. I'm so thankful that I had the chance to interact with them and have them around so closely. I have never seen such a commitment of love to one another. Although times may be rough, it’s clear that they are in this marriage for the long haul…just as it should be. They aren’t just in it though…it’s blazingly clear that they still like each other! Even just through the little things, it's so obvious that these are two people that love each other and have found true companionship. It speaks volumes to their friends and family of what marriage should look like.
I appreciate most their love for the Lord and how that has trickled down to me. I am beyond blessed to have grandparents that have always shown their love for God, for each other, and for all of their family. They know where the key to true joy comes from.
And I made the cakes for the party. It took me nearly all day on Friday to bake and decorate the cakes (a 3-tier cake, and 2 large sheetcakes).