Thursday, October 10, 2013

He Did What?!

I'm feeling really overwhelmed today.
In a good way.
A really good way.
Really, I almost feel bad that I feel SOOO good.
I know this is just God blessing my socks off.

Adam has been making some amazing strides the past couple of days.
They had him up and walking today.
Yep. You read that right.

He went about 100 feet during one of his therapy sessions today.
As you can see in the pictures and video, it's with the assistance of a special walker and with support from 2 therapists. He had to take a couple of breaks, but these were such encouraging steps. 
Yesterday they had him stand for the first time.

His body is still working at getting the signals all straightened out, so he has a lot of control and coordination left to be gained. 
Every day he is just making some really amazing strides.
We feel so thankful that God is showing us these miraculous gains!

Plus, we continue to feel the love and support of others.
In ways that are just leaving me smiling and shaking my head in disbelief.
We feel so privileged and honored to be the recipients of God's grace and the generosity and thoughtfulness of others.

We just keep praying that God will use us and this situation for His glory and His plans.