Saturday, July 17, 2010

My baby is 1!

Tate turned 1 year old this past Wednesday. It really does go by so fast! I'm constantly reminding myself to enjoy the days when my boys are in diapers, need help eating, can't dress themselves, are whining for attention, and need afternoon naps. Give 'em 12 years or so and I might have to endure laziness, bad hygiene, no desire for attention from mom, awful clothing fads, and them talking back to me. Life is good right now. :)

On Tate's actual birthday, I think we told him Happy Birthday a few times and opened a few cards in the mail. We had friends over for dinner that night - not for his birthday celebration, it'd just been too long since we'd seen them!

And then on Thursday evening, we had Poppy and Moppy (Adam's dad and his wife), Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Willis, and cousin Sarah over for dinner. (Tate's getting real good at eating his own little cake. By the time Grandma Vig is here in August to celebrate, he'll inhale it before she can snap a picture.)

Here's some things about Tate at the age of 1:

- He's really turned on the walking skills this past week or two. Still falls some and looks like a little baby frankenstein, but he's really progressed quickly.
- Sleeps from 8:30 p.m. to 8 a.m.......usually. Also takes 2 naps a day at around 1 1/2 - 2 hours each.
- He says "mama," "dada," "ba ba" (bottle), "ball"......and that's about all I can understand.
- He loves playing peek-a-boo, clapping his hands, and pointing (I have no idea what he's usually pointing at).
- He's not the greatest eater. You'd think with all of those teeth, he'd be eating hamburgers by now. (He has 11 teeth...Landon had 2 at this age) He will eat cut up bananas, all sorts of breads, and small shreds of meat. Otherwise, he's not tolerant of most other fruits or veggies, unless in the pureed form. He also likes to eat books. Leave him unattended with any sort of book for more than 10'll have a chunk taken out of it.
- He's a bit of a momma's boy. Sometimes I am the only person he wants. He's not so bad if I'm out of sight, but if I'm in the room and he decides he wants one else can make him happy.
- He likes to wrestle. He often initiates rough housing with Landon.
- He's super sweet and we love, love, love him.
And on a completely different note......Adam and I played tennis last night! I forgot how fond I was of the game! It felt so good to hear the new can of balls pop open. To wear a cute tennis skirt. To run around and get sweaty. To ace my husband with my serve (Ok, he'll probably say none of them were aces since he got a piece of them....but still, he got burned). To yell out in frustration and talk to myself in between points.
We hadn't played yet this year. And I didn't play at all last summer since I was largely pregnant or just had a baby. I played throughout high school and Adam is just annoyingly athletic at anything he tries. We played a lot together the first several years we were married. We weren't stellar out there last night, but it went better than I was preparing for! We still had a lot of out-of-control shots and many of our points were earned on each other's errors rather than a stellar play. But still, I LOVED it! I lost 6-4, 6-4 for those of you who were curious of the score. Hope we can play it for many years to come!