Sunday, June 05, 2011

Hiding God's Word in their Heart

Landon made his debut on the church stage this morning. The preschoolers recited I Kings 10:8. They all did so great! These little precious minds can soak up so much! I was proud of my little boy! I value those that put in the time, energy, and thought every week to work at teaching these kids about God. It's certainly not just babysitting! There is eternal value in what is being done. (Landon is the littlest one in the front row).

After them, the next age group of kids recited a whole chapter in Psalms that they had memorized!

Seriously, these kids are putting most of the congregation to shame when it comes to Scripture memorization. Including myself.

Most church programs put so much emphasis on Scripture memorization at the younger stages, but somehow it gets lost once one gets out of elementary school. These kids reminded me of the importance of hiding God's word in my heart.

I'll tackle that after my current Bible project. I'm attempting to read the Bible, front to back, in 3 months. Yowzers! I'm over halfway through at this point, which is honestly the furthest I've ever made it when it comes to reading it from cover to cover. I'm confident in saying that I've read the whole Bible - I've just never actually read it from cover to cover. I've tried 1-year reading plans several times...and I've failed at those several times. I wouldn't recommend reading it like this always, but I will say it has helped to remind me of the fluidity of the Bible. This is one big message that is continual from the first page to the last. Although I'm still in the Old Testament, I totally see Jesus coming! Oh, the richness of God's word!